Your WordPress website design is one of the most important elements of your business and brand. It represents who you are and what you offer to your audience. A well-designed website can help establish credibility, increase brand awareness, and drive conversions.


Establish Clear Website Goals

The most important information you need going into WordPress website design is this: your website design aims to convert visitors into leads.

This means that your website needs to be user-friendly, easy to navigate, and visually appealing, as this is what will convert your visitors. These aspects should ultimately, lead them to your call-to-action which will be the crux that will finalise the conversion.

  • Define the Purpose of Your Website
  • Identify Your Target Audience
  • Establish Branding Goals
  • Set Usability and Accessibility Goals
  • Optimize for Performance and SEO
  • Create Content Goals
  • Plan for Scalability
  • Set Specific, Measurable Goals
  • Consider Social Integration and Marketing
  • Regular Review and Update

Match Your Branding

Your website must consistently present a strong visual identity that reflects your brand and messaging. Ensuring your typography, colour palettes, and design elements are consistent with your brand image will be crucial to establishing legitimacy and growing your brand.


The loading speed of your website is crucial. Studies have shown that slow-loading websites lead to high bounce rates, as visitors quickly lose patience and move on. You typically have 15 seconds before the visitor clicks off; make them count.

Responsive Design

Over 75% of visitors will be mobile - meaning you must optimise your site for all devices, not just computers.

Considering these essential website design factors when designing your website ensure your website is visually appealing and effective in increasing leads. Also known as the better website.